James Warwick | Fine Art Photography


James Warwick is a fine art photography wildlife expert based in the south of England. In his own words: “I try to capture 'decisive moments' in nature and show wildlife contextually in its environment. I enjoy the process of trying to create memorable and beautiful pictures and I hope that they will inspire people in some way to care about and conserve the natural world.

Artienda is incredibly proud to offer James’ fine art photography work in an exclusive collection selected for Artienda’s clients and customers. For anyone wishing to buy artwork online do check out this exclusive collection in our online art shop.


To learn more about James and his motivations for contemporary art and wildlife fine art photography click here to read a full interview we did with him. And please do use the button below to visit our shop and see the Artienda Collection of James’ work where you can buy artwork online. This is an exclusive range of prints we have chosen for our clients’ interiors. Pricing on these items is not available anywhere else. Many thanks.

Philip Hodgkinson